Saturday, August 28, 2010

Weekend Workout

Just a few of the things I saw today on my way to and from the 7-ième (some illustrated, some not):

- A Vespa with a Virgin

- Knights in full armour balancing precariously on the façade of the Hôtel de Ville

- Postmen and women delivering the Saturday morning mail on their bright yellow bikes (with stabilisers!)

- A bride and groom pretending to run across the Pont des Invalides for their wedding photographer (just between you and me, not very convincingly)

- An optimistic 2CV hoping to fit into an already occupied parking space

- An unsettling Army of One on Rue St Dominique

- A football team having a kick-about beside a Jeux de Ballon Interdits (No Ballgames) sign on the grassy median strip of the Esplanade des Invalides (

-The wedding cake spires of the Basilique St Clotilde on Rue Las Cases

- Visitors predictably pondering the meaning of life beside the famous thinker in the garden at the Musèe de Rodin (but that’s a whole other story)

- A guy riding his bicycle in a hurry along the Quai Georges Pompidou, with a single long-stemmed rose strapped to his back.

(Hope he made it to his date
on time !)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cath
    Finally remembered you were writing a blog, I love the photos especially the street art and the architecture. Also the citroen cars, I love their design. The photos make me feel like I am in Paris. Will send you a email re proposal tomorrow
    Jenee O
